s:"bitch who are you lil kim"
c:"no i just have to keep up with the times"
but why blasian you may ask......b/c thise btchs are super cute, duh!
see "light skin" women use to have an advantage b/c everyone wanted a red bone @ one point in time....but not anymore...everyone wants the "exotic chick" its all in the skin tone and features. you know the half black half philipino chick, oh wait what a/b the korean and black chick. these women are gorgoes and props are given when deserved but they are really shakin up the game right now.
and this is why.....
prime example...tae heckard...gorgeous female...you have seen her in videos (principle girl in busta and mariah "i know what u want"), movies (atl) and television (the game)....when i grow up i want to be blasian
Blasians most def have some crazy genetics going for them. But their "phase will pass too" lol
When I grow up...I hope by that time light skin is back in style.
Drake is bringing back that like skin dudes. Why can't I bring back the light skin girls??? There's hope! lol
she is so pretty
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