well me not really.....i really started to feel the effect when my pay was cut due to budget cuts. I don't get to do the things i use to do such as just hit the road @ the drop of a dime, shop as mch a i want and all this other stuff but im makin it. its kinda depressin when those who have not been hit as hard as i have still have their steez on point. i know what people mean now when they say they are living pay check to pay check, this sucks and it doesn't look like its not gonna get any better soon. i need a new profession! i find myself praying nightly (i do that anyway but my prayer has changed a little) tha god bless me and shine a light on the path that is destined for me and to guide me through this last month of school and open doors for me and others who are strugglin the way i am or worse. i guess in a way im lucky because i still have a job unlike others who have been let go. i have faith tha something will workout for the less fortunate lol....hey u have to hit rock bottom before you can rise and i have a feeling im still falling which means more hard times to come. its ok, i have learned how to pull strings and make things happen the best i can. but im gonna tell you what really sent me over the edge, a co-worker of mine works @ a the door of a sports bar some nights just for some extra cash, she told me these guys walked in to pay their entry fee and a few of them pulled out anywhere from 3 to 5 stacks just to pay $5. show boat much? RECESSION PROOF! i said someone call obama and tell him this is where all the money is, lol. but for real it kinda made me mad because i work @ a job i hate (i walk down the halls singin wah wah, wa-wa-wah ur a jerk ur a jerk! hopin my supervisor hears me & relaize i am talking a/b her, lol mind you its a gospel radio station!) to get the chump change i have and these dudes more than likely don't have an honest job but oh well.
there is goin to be a light @ the end of my tunnel soon!
"don't ask god for guidance,if you're not ready to move your feet"